Welcome to the Cities homepage of the Wiki.
Cities or Urban centres if you prefer to call them that are well- what one would expect a City to be. But rather than given a name, they are all given a designation number to go by. City Twenty-Four is one such City and each City has a set type or category it operates as.
There are a few types of Categories cities sit in and each one has its own meaning:
Residential - These types of cities have a priority focus on housing, doing experiments with the populace on the social level, acting as a home for Administrative functions & authority and finally generally acting as a hub of entertainment for the populace. Out of all the cities on the planet, they tend to outproduce others when it comes to TV shows or propaganda films & news.
Industrial - Dark... depressive and possibly the most rundown cities are the industrial ones with a massive focus on industry and production. Compared to other cities, they produce the largest amount of materials and products of any other where the CWU pretty much reigns supreme alongside their CLC overlords. These tend to be quite well policed given the number of materials of Resistance figures to up and steal, making them quite secure… to some extent of course anyway.
Agricultural - High focus on food production and output. Farmer cities essentially which has the key responsibility of ensuring there is enough food and water to sustain the remaining population and the creation of methods of cooking and other such important resources. They tend to be lighted policed and administrated with a few automated systems in place to keep the farms healthy alongside the working populace.
Militaristic/Technological - Cities which focus more on tech and "military" such as City 8. They have a large dependence on technology in day-to-day lives more so than any other City and are well-versed in creating the most disciplined Civil Protection and Conscripts forces on Earth. They also produce the highest amount of tech, allowing the creation and updates of new software to existing Combine tech such as the Citizen Terminal. They are also known for their heavy CPRD and IMS presence.
Terminal - Not really a city, but a town or outpost made to relocate citizens and act as connectors between the cities. They serve to act as one giant train station, creating a large network across the globe for cargo to travel through and allowing the relocation of an entire populace at a moment's notice… at least in theory. Logistics is also a key point of these.
Hybridized - Hybrid cities is any city with more than 1 type/category to its name. For example, you can have a city which is both Residential and Agricultural. Maybe there is a terminal with an Industrial sector, etc.
Fortress Cities - When you look at City Eight, the first thing that might come to mind is a Fortress, and that would be correct. Fortress Cities are essentially strongholds of the Combine and hold an immense amount of Militaristic might. Out of every City, they are the most fortified, the most well-protected and even in some cases, quite loyal given their populace enjoying the safety of their walls from the outside threats and elements.
Fortress Cities came about as a pet project of a certain Takoshi Yikatenda whose policies focused on security and the ascension of the Human race.
Sector Capitals - Finally, you have Sector Captials which are quite self-explanatory. Essentially, these cities may or may not have a particular focus but rather merely act as the Capital of their respective Sector and where one would most commonly find their Sector Administrator & his/her assistant known as “Adjutants”. Nothing is really special about capitals overall.
There are a few statuses of Cities to go through.
But before reading below, maybe you are interested in cities with Citadels in them? In total there are 8 Citadels around the globe, each taking around 2-8 years to complete, if even one citadel falls… game over preparations will begin as the entire Citadel Network falls- taking the Suppression Field with it.
Stable cities are simply operating normally. They can have light resistance activity among other issues but are generally operating as the Combine expects. Think like if the City was operating within a parameter of 80-100%
Unstable cities are cities in which the populace is wary, uneasy or generally not operating by the standard procedure under Combine Rule. It tends to be added to Cities where resistance activity is beginning to pick up, an infestation or exogen breach has broken out, issues with city infrastructure have occurred, etc. Going back to parameters, unstable would be in the realm of 50-80% as a percentage of operation.
Cities which are in states of Unrest and/or Judgement wavier have fallen below 50% stability and shows they may be near collapse if the Combine doesn't succeed in stopping their downfall. They tend to places where resistance activity is spiked so much so that Overwatch has been deployed to contain the situation. This can also be caused by mass breakouts of infestation or exogen breaches. They sit within a 20-50% range when it comes to the percentage system thus far.
Finally, there are some cities which are so far gone they don't really get to be called Cities anymore. This is due to them being pretty much erased by the Combine simply because something went far beyond their control. Whether it be Exogens, Infestation or Resistance, or perhaps some other force for that matter… these tend to be either destroyed or in ruin, or perhaps even still standing but in such an abysmal state that it is basically inhabitable.
By that, we mean that the Synthetics have more than likely been deployed and due to their nature… are now wiping out the City and any living thing that breathes in their path- including not just the general unarmed populace, but Civil Protection too.