Welcome to the Civil Populace homepage of the Wiki.
Here you can find all the information you need to know about Civilian Gameplay and their respective factions.
Citizens are the most standard of standard classes in the world of HL2 and its RP schema. They are quite possibly one of the most “Free” classes on the whole game as they have no obligation to do anything. Generally lacking things to do if the user playing as a Citizen chooses to be lazy. Playing citizen does require a level of PassiveRP as well as the ability to engage with others around you.
This is one of those starting factions which can be boring only if you make it that way for yourself via your own actions. You won't have fun as a lazy civ. RP relies on you to take action, no one will handhold you throughout this process.
The Civil Workers Union or CWU for short is one of two primary Citizen factions. The Workers union focus on a wide variety of work around the City involving but not limited to Stores & Permits, running the sub-branch known as the DOB, handling of City Construction work, running workshifts for the populace, maintaining repairs and all sorts of other activities. Some say the life of a CWU member is stressful given the heavy workloads it tends to go through but also means there is a lot of work to go around in turn- generally bossed around by Civil Protection to get work done and thus leaves no shortage of RP to partake in.
They are quite important given their work-shift duty to the City- ensuring there is always work to be done.
Gameplay when it comes to Citizen life and its few existing factions can somewhat vary. Unlike other factions, Citizens can go down a number of ways that others such as Overwatch, CP or the CCA just simply don't have access to themselves- or at least not so easily.
As the life as a standard citizen, you have no jobs nor role assigned to you on spawn, with a few different classes to choose from including:
Think of them like your character's background for who you are as each one changes how you start out in the City.
Now as a Citizen it is primarily onto the user playing to find things to do as it won't have anything given to it less CWU or CPs decide to give you tasks. Mostly your life will involve wandering the City and standing still… should you choose not to do anything. But if you do choose to engage with the populace, you can find yourself quickly making friends, maybe earn a few loyalty points, perhaps you prefer heading down the Resistance route? Or maybe you wish to join the CWU or CMRU?
They are all options which are open to you and jobs from the work desk that the Civil Protection own or jobs from the CWU do also tend to popup- again however, it is up to you as a Citizen to choose what it is you wish to do. Now some play the game obeying the Combine at every turn, making their lives reportedly boring- keep in mind however that you are not obligated to listen to the Combine's every whim. If you got something else in mind of “fun” while a curfew is being called, why not use the buildings to sneak past the CPs, go off and hide or even head into the slums to interact there.
The City generally has little to offer most of the time but sticking around can also lead to some interesting interactions as well as the option to spend your credits which you gain from Rations. The slums and sewers have more action-related activity but generally would not advise going in there until you have somewhat of a few tools, materials or weapons on you given the Slums can be a… dangerous place to say the least.