In this Wiki, you'll find all the relevant information you will need in order to learn about the Vortigaunt Faction on Willard Networks. The information in this page[linked] is considered the bare essentials and does not necessarily define the absolute limits (unless explicitly stated otherwise) nor is it intended to act as a dogmatic reference to which your character must conform to. To that end, an effort has been made to keep the information contained here neutral to allow for you to better construct your own motivations for your character and to allow for creative liberty in regard to the Vortigaunt faction.
We'll also be covering common misconceptions and issues we feel the faction has historically suffered from throughout its existence across HL2RP. Most of these issues stem from a lack of direction for the faction. This is admittedly a difficult thing to do within the Combine-centric system which HL2RP is based around. Nonetheless, I hope this provides you with some interesting insight about how you might want to play your character or at the very least, open up the possibilities available to you.
All in all, you can find all the information you need to know about Vortiguants here in this section of the Wiki… good luck reading.
Vorts have an interesting list of unique traits specific to them and their biology and personality:
A strong willingness to protect and guard the weak and seeks to defend those who mean no harm.
Their Vort Shield is generally stronger and their Vortessence capacity is slightly above average
Upon arrival on Earth, this Vortigaunt had become obsessed with Human Technology
Boost all tech-related skillsets and knowledge pools
Ardent Traditionalist
Believes strongly in the true and traditional way of the Vortigaunts, never forgetting its origins and being stuck in the ways of their past.
Their Vortessence abilities are far improved compared to other Vortigaunts. They do not wear human clothing.
Light-footed (Stealth)
Decades of training and/or an irregular biology have allowed this Vortigaunt to remain in the shadows.
They are slightly faster than most Vorts and they generally barely make a sound.
Shuns the true and traditional ways of the Vortigaunts with a focus on individualism rather than following the collective.
They are slightly better or more familiar with Tech but generally suffer a lack of a connection to Vortessence. They generally like human clothing.
Believes in the ways and methods of humanity, trying to mimic them in terms of both clothing and mannerisms.
Their connection to the Vortessence is slightly worse off but their cooking ability is well-noted, alongside their medical and other such human-like skills.
Survivor (Rare)
Was one of the few to survive the Black Mesa incident
Inability to speak English and Inability to read due to potential blindness caused by the bright flash of a nuke but their connection to the Vortessence is quite strong.
Not only does this one follow the ways of the Rok’Shan’Vass but has almost near perfected their limitations among the Vortessence for their age like the ancient warriors of the Kay’Basar
Their Vortessence Capacity is larger than most but for some reason suffer an issue with wearing any form of protective clothing. Clothing is taboo but a scarf might be okay.
Biotic Reject
A distinct inability to make use of you as a battery for the Combine caused them to throw you into the garbage disposal… but you managed your escape barely.
They have a very low Vortessence capacity and are mute due to Lobotomy, but receive a boost to all their passive skills
Preferring to be alone rather than with others and seemingly despising humanity they seek isolation for all the others in their vicinity.
They despise humanity enough to find themselves getting angry at the mere sight of one- not to mention they hate human clothing entirely.
A Vort almost turned into a synth… a terrible fate but luckily you were rescued before being fully converted over.
They have no connection to the Vortessence but are far stronger than any other Vort in claw-to-claw combat and have the ability to understand even the most sophisticated of Combine text, words or imagery.
Prefers tribes over Resistance groups with a sense of hate towards humans
Above average Vortessence and refuses to wear most clothes. They cannot wear armour.
Trained Operative
It is almost like the resistance has trained you, well-versed in the ways of resistance operations, smuggling and trade.
Their connection to the Vortessence is not great, but they have the ability to become Traders/BMDs, well-versed in crafting, smuggling and other such resistance-related skillsets.
Has managed to not only learn English, but understands the importance of other human-based languages allowing for translation for most if not all languages
Languages can be unlocked more easily than anyone else.
From the moment they were born, the Vortessence was nowhere to be found, left in the darkness of its own origin.
They lack the ability to speak Vortigese, but at least you can wear human armour and clothing, plus they have a general knowledge of all skillsets being a jack of all trades… even if a little.
Fearing the Combine and the power you see within their empire has overwhelmed you, rather than fightback you let them put you through hell over and over again without care.
Low connection to the Vortessence and a low capacity to use powers, but resistant to torture methods of the Combine having accepted it as part of your daily routine.
Lost Soul
Similar to Cowardice but even worse… you have now fully accepted the way you live your life under Combine rule and have ceased following or caring about the ways of your people
Enslavement is hard to break out of and your connection to the Vortessence shattered through the betrayal of your ways.