Synth name/Designation: “S-Scanner”
Synth Species: Arthopoda
Height: 0.45 meters
Width: 0.45 meters
Purpose: Mine Laying | Scouting
Armaments: Small Dark Matter Compressor (SDMC)
Variants (If Any): City Scanner
Year of Appearance: 2004 (SHW)
Claw Scanners, as typical and insufficient as they may be, play a crucial role in keeping socio-stability within the Union’s acceptable boundaries. Despite their toll on fragility, the Claw Scanner contains a hidden and dangerous secret; they are heavily utilized for local mine laying within neighboring warzones whilst performing area suppression operations as they are expendable scouting machines.
Whilst this differs majorly from an ordinary city scanner controlled by the Dispatch AI itself, the claw scanner is controlled by OCIN itself, or without OCIN, autonomously on its own local program. What makes these scanners even more of an asset, is their ability to drop a near-continuous line of Identifiable-Friend-Foe claw mines into the ground. These mines, when dropped, will often fall onto their frontal face and will then adjust their position by boosting into the air, landing on their underplating, and attach onto the floor, awaiting their prey.
Not only this, but their camera is far more effective at blinding hostiles within its flash sight. As such, this creates a possible method of delaying armed malignants for Civil Protection or Overwatch Sterilization Teams to take the initiative, and eradicate any anti-citizens within the vicinity.
Bear in mind that they must be protected to ensure further support on the field is present. A simple, few amounts of projectiles hitting the enlightened structure of the Claw Scanner will cause tremendous damage, which may set forth the ignition for the scanner to immediately “kamikaze” into any hostile malignant, exploding in a fiery death.