Synth name/Designation: “STORM”
Synth Species: Ferrum Pugnusi
Height: 1.83 meters
Width: Differs
Purpose: Advanced Combat Units | Infantry
Armaments: TBD
Variants (If Any): N/A
Year of Appearance: 2004 (SHW)
As per the surrender of Earth, it was agreed that a mere twelve point three percent of active Synthetic combat units were to be stationed planetside, hereby designated as “STORM” for swift, precise and deadly vengeance. Armed with at least one OSIPR and numerous pulse palls in its hold, the Overwatch Synthetic Footsoldier utilizes this with extreme speed thanks to its mobile and thin chassis. The chassis allows for “STORM” to fall from high altitudes and drop onto a combat zone without breaking a sweat. Not only this, but “STORM” can also utilize a precision-based targeting system inbuilt into its visors to fire on the move, at any located enemy they encounter. They are usually best used in groups as they may appear fragile, but individually they also pack quite a punch.
If “STORM” is ever deployed, there will be a notice to all current active Civil Authority units. Upon this notice, an indirect command is issued to move citizens into nearby buildings or areas without a clear visual lining to detect Synthetic Foot Soldiers. The reason being is that these forces are automatically set to purge any and all witnesses to their detection that is not standardized as a friendly. They are a last resort for a reason and are only flown in by dropship inside a combat region.