Structure name: Combine Prison Vault
Purpose: Prison
Status: Discontinued | Destroyed
Year of Production: 2006
The Vault is a superconductive floating structure, held aloft by numerous enslaved Vortigaunts inside substations situated throughout the Quarantine Zone, which project vertical blue beams into the sky to indicate their locations. These substations are designed to torture the energy out of a group of Vortigaunts housed in pod farms attached to them. Then, the output is collected from the Vortigaunts before being "re-harmonized" by a single "conductor" Vortigaunt via the tuner apparatus placed at the roots of the cables that run up to the Vault itself. The harvested energy of the Vortigaunts' Vortessence chants flows through the internal structures of the Vault. The Vault's design is built in combine architecture, with 3 points of the structure extending from its center. The floating structure directly oversees a docking station in the form of a large tower, as well as a Combine base located below it.