Vehicle name/Designation: APC-14
Purpose: Armoured Personnel Carrier
Armaments: 1x Multi-Purpose Pulse Turret (MPPT-1) & 1x Laser-Guided Missile System (LGMS-1)
Variants (If Any): N/A
Year of Production: 2006
History: TBD
Summary: The APC-14 is part of the second generation of Combine Engineering and Mechanics boasting a Hybrid engine based on Petrol and Dark Energy technologies as well as a 360' degree turret capable of firing 900 pulse rounds per minute with limited capacity. It can move at a top speed of 100km/h but requires regular recharging and maintenance. The suspension was made only for City use with limited usage within outland territories, meaning that it is unable to properly traverse off-road, uphill or even mountainous terrain. It is able to carry up to 5 crew members with 2 additional units on the exterior of the vehicle.
Systems/Sub-systems: There is a small variety of systems installed into the APC-14 on top of its provided armaments which includes a laser guidance system to work with the LGMS-1, a bio-lock protection system ensuring only Active Civil Protection Functionaries may operate the vehicle. It also comes with a 180' degree frontal camera. It also includes a vehicle tracking & navigation system for easier navigation around the City.