Vehicle name/Designation: CHC-V952
Purpose: Attack Chopper
Armaments: 1x Suppression Pulse Turret (SPT-1A) & 1x Fire and Forget Missile System (FFMS)
Variants (If Any): CHC-V953
Year of Production: 2007
History: TBD
Summary: The CHC-V952 is the first version of the Combine Attack Helicopter known to mankind. It dons a hybrid engine similar to the APC-14 but of course designed for aerial use and capable of traversing speeds of up to around 437km/h without falling apart, but tends to travel speeds of around a top speed of 182km/h to ensure safety. Unlike standard helicopters, it comes equipped with not just a rear and top rotary blade, but also one located on its underside just before the cockpit segment, allowing it to come to quick stops when turning or even just standard travel, while also providing manoeuvrability in combat situations.
Systems/Sub-systems: IFF (Identity Friend-Foe) system, Autopilot Navigational (ANAV) system, Automated Turret Control Circuit (ATCC) & Stability-Control Circuit